Taxon Foundation runs community projects with the best biodiversity experts for nature education and conservation.
Our aim is to work with community groups, schoolchildren, and citizen scientists and to run field courses and research projects, with a special focus on insects and other tiny creatures.
We started as the non-profit branch of scientific travel agency Taxon Expeditions, which organises real scientific expeditions all over the world for non-scientists.
Taxon Foundation welcomes grassroots nature projects that would like to enlist our help. Just drop us a line (via the contact page) to see what kind of tailor-made solutions we can offer.
Our work depends on grants and donations. You can donate either for specific projects or for the foundation generally.
Please contact us for more information.
Taxon Foundation has Dutch ANBI status, which means that gifts and donations to us are tax-deductible. Please contact us for more information.
Uyttenboogaart-Eliasen Stichting
Ars Donandi
NatuurvanVroeger NU
Expeditie Leiden
Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds
Gemeente Leiden
Gemeente Nissewaard
Ilia State University Tbilisi
Zuidhollands Landschap
Van der Hucht de Beukelaar Fonds
Thomas a Kempis College, Arnhem
Georgian National Federation of Speleology and Canyoning
Taxon Expeditions
Gemeente Amsterdam
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Rembrandtstraat 20, 2311 VW Leiden, The Netherlands